NICE TO MEET YOU: verb to be( affirmative, questions and negatives) , pronouns , possesive adjectives, articles and plurals. This that these those. Simple present ( introduction)
Vocabulary: numbers, days of the week, countries and nationalities,personal information, verb prhases, irregular plurals, Jobs and family.
Practical English: at the Hotel. Check in and check out dialogues, receiving guests, services in a hotel, who is who in hotels and restaurants
PREETY WOMAN: telling the time, adverbs of frequency, prepositions of time , can/can’t, like+ verb ing., object pronouns, possesive pronouns.
Vocabulary: adjectives, daily routine, time words and expressions, the date, free time activities, love story prhases, music.
Practical English: In a clothes shop, dealing with complaints, tips for travellers, booking a ticket.
WHO WERE THEY?: simple past of verb to be ( was /were),simple past regular and irregular verbs, there is and there are, there was and there were, present continuous
Vocabulary: Word formation, past time expressions, go have and get, irregular verbs, prepositions of place, places in a city, adjectives of personality.
Practical English: at a restaurant, welcoming customers at the restaurant, explaining the menú, at the airport.